Uses of Class

Packages that use Filter
org.xfp This package contains the XFP framework.  
org.xfp.filters This package and subpackages contain the built-in Filters 
org.xfp.filters.beans This package contains JavaBeans related Filters.  
org.xfp.filters.codec This package contains filters related to the Jakarta Commons Codec package.  
org.xfp.filters.collections This package contains filters related to the Java Collection Framework.  
org.xfp.filters.convert This package contains type conversion Filters 
org.xfp.filters.file This package contains filters using the local filesystem 
org.xfp.filters.ftp This package contains FTP related Filters.  
org.xfp.filters.jndi This package contains JNDI related Filters.  
org.xfp.filters.jxpath This package contains Jakarta Commons JXPath related Filters.  
org.xfp.filters.util This package contains utility filters 
org.xfp.filters.xml This package contains XML related Filters.  

Uses of Filter in org.xfp

Methods in org.xfp that return Filter
protected static Filter Filter.newInstance(org.w3c.dom.Node filternode, org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathEvaluator evaluator, java.lang.Class inputtype, AttributeContainer parent, org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerRepository loggerRepository)
          Instantiates and initializes a Filter.

Uses of Filter in org.xfp.filters

Subclasses of Filter in org.xfp.filters
 class AntTask
          Executes an Ant task.
 class DateGenerator
          Generates a date in the specified string format.
 class HTTPGet
          Performs an HTTP request.
 class PatternMatcher
          Attempts to match the entire input sequence against the pattern.

Uses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.beans

Subclasses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.beans
 class BeanCollectionSorter
          Sorts a Collection of JavaBeans using the value of the specified property.
 class BeanInstance
          Instantiates a JavaBean and sets its properties.
 class BeanXMLDecoder
          Reads a textual representation of a JavaBean.
 class BeanXMLEncoder
          Generates a textual representation of a JavaBean.

Uses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.codec

Subclasses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.codec
 class CodecBinaryDecoder
          Wrapper to the BinaryDecoder's in the Jakarta Commons Codec package.
 class CodecBinaryEncoder
          Wrapper to the BinaryEncoder's in the Jakarta Commons Codec package.
 class CodecStringDecoder
          Wrapper to the StringDecoder's in the Jakarta Commons Codec package.
 class CodecStringEncoder
          Wrapper to the StringEncoder's in the Jakarta Commons Codec package.

Uses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.collections

Subclasses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.collections
 class Iterator
          Outputs an Iterator for the specified Collection.
 class ListGenerator
          Generates a List.
 class MapGenerator
          Generates a Map.
 class MapIterator
          Outputs an Iterator on the entry set of the specified Map.

Uses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.convert

Subclasses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.convert
 class ByteArrayToInputStream
          Converts an byte array to an InputStream.
 class InputStreamToByteArray
          Converts an InputStream to a byte array.
 class InputStreamToString
          Converts an InputStream to a string.
 class ReaderToString
          Converts an Reader to a string.
 class StringToInputStream
          Converts a String to an InputStream.

Uses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.file

Subclasses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.file
 class DeleteFile
          Deletes a file.
 class FileReader
          Reads from a file.
 class FileWriter
          Writes input data to a File.

Uses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.ftp

Subclasses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.ftp
 class FTPAbstractFilter
          Base class for filters performing FTP operations.
 class FTPChangeDirectory
          Changes the current working directory on the remote server.
 class FTPChangeToParentDirectory
          Changes the current working directory on the remote server to the parent directory.
 class FTPDelete
          Delets a file on an FTP server.
 class FTPGet
          Downloads a file from an FTP server.
 class FTPListing
          Lists files in an FTP directory.
 class FTPMove
          Moves a remote file on an FTP server.

Uses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.jndi

Subclasses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.jndi
 class JNDIAbstractFilter
          Base class for filters performing JNDI operations.
 class JNDIBind
          Performs a JNDI lookup.
 class JNDILookup
          Performs a JNDI lookup.

Uses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.jxpath

Subclasses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.jxpath
 class JXPathAbstractFilter
          Base class for filters performing JXPath operations.
 class JXPathGetValue
          Evaluates the xpath, converts the result to the specified class and returns the resulting object.
 class JXPathIterate
          Evaluates the xpath and returns an Iterator on the results.
 class JXPathSetValue
          Modifies the value of the property described by the supplied xpath.

Uses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.util

Subclasses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.util
 class CheckAlreadyFiltered
          Checks if input data has been filtered in the previous Pipeline execution.
 class PassThru
          A dummy filter that simply outputs its input.

Uses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.xml

Subclasses of Filter in org.xfp.filters.xml
 class DOMParser
          Parses XML data into a DOM using the JAXP API.
 class FOProcessor
          Performs an XSL-FO trasformation using Apache FOP.
 class XPathAbstractFilter
          Base class for filters performing XPath operations.
 class XPathNode
          Performs an XPath query and outputs a Node.
 class XPathNodeList
          Performs an XPath query and outputs a List of nodes.
 class XPathString
          Performs an XPath query and outputs a String.
 class XSLTransformer
          Performs an XSL Transformation.

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