XFP eXtensible Filtering Pipelines
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XFP eXtensible Filtering Pipelines



XFP is a framework for building data management procedures using XML-based configuration files. XFP is also a server that provides scheduled execution of your procedures and flexible logging.

Typical use-cases include data feed management and content syndication. XFP can manage in a coherent and centralized way data coming from different sources, lowering development and mantainance costs. Instead of writing your own code for each data feed, with XFP you can split code into reusable components (called "filters"). XFP comes with a ready-to-use set of filters that perform common tasks such as:

  • HTTP requests
  • accessing FTP servers
  • XML parsing
  • XSL transforms and XSL-FO
  • XPath queries
  • JNDI bind and lookup
  • invoking Ant tasks and more...

If the functionality for your specific task is missing, You can write new filters and share them with the people using this tool.

Open Source

XFP is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See the Legal page for details. XFP is completely based on Open Source software (mostly from the Apache Foundation). Here's a list of tools used by XFP:

Project status

XFP is currently going through a series of 0.x releases. We aim reaching a stable 1.0 version as soon as we can.

by Flavio Tordini